Category: Uncategorized
Three Simple Rules to Save Money While Studying Abroad
Going to college outside of the United States can give you an incredible educational experience, well beyond anything that your peers are likely to achieve. While they’ll be going cross-country for their weekend trips, you’ll be jetsetting to Paris, Rome, or Dublin. It can also save you a ton of money. However, university tuition abroad…
For Teachers Who Want to Change the World
Start with yourself first! Outside of healthcare workers and people working to keep grocery stores stocked, few professions have been as impacted by Covid-19 as educators. Already overworked and underpaid, they are now being asked to work more hours, in conditions that could well be unsafe, and with a looming uncertainty about what comes next. …
Want to Go to Oxford or Cambridge? Read This First!
Heck, even if you are stressed out about extracurriculars and are starting to hate elite college admissions, read this! In a bit less than five weeks, undergraduate applications for the 2021-2022 academic year will be due at Oxford and Cambridge (or Oxbridge, as the two are commonly called together). Despite what Harvard and Stanford may…
A Typical Week in a London Grad Student’s Life
While we think that everyone should study abroad, we definitely think that the benefits are there for graduate students. It is by far the most cost effective option, and given that federal loans work to cover all costs in many cases, it is accessible for the vast majority of students. However, it is hard to…
Hate Test Optional? We’ve Got Good News
Earlier this week, a California court stopped the UC system from using the ACT or SAT as a form of evaluating potential students, citing that it was unfair to disabled students who could not reach a testing center. In doing so, the court has laid bare a number of issues with testing and American college…